hi !
i'm back. i'm single and i'm free.
it's hard to make yourselves always right on the track but somehow, its the best idea to astray from it by the way.
okay let me clear myself,
i'm quit from my tired-yet-best job in which back then i was a MIS, sorts of clerk but close to assistant of manager. MIS defined as management information systems where the job's scopes including to ensure the smoothness of system that operates in that particular place, in simple, anything regarding IT. hell yeah i'm ZERO about IT, i'm only expert on social networking i guess LOL. by the way, it was not as difficult as i might thought, after 3 days been there, i knew how it's works, i knew how to run the system and so on. gladly i'm not turning everything into a muddle hahaha even though there was a rough time whereas my tears burst out finally (unforgettable moment of being scolded by the other staff). my last day went awesome where my manager gave unexpected gift. sentimental enough ! few weeks before my retirement, some of staffs treated me and asked for any adjournment, i'm be blessed by having those people actually, easy to lend hands whenever i need. but till now i still contacting with most of them.
i think this is the right time to let some people go. it's hard tho but i need to as seems that my life completely destructed by only keeping them up. even they are significant to my life, i hope that slowly i may forget them. it is not by the way of immature, i'm not justify what i'm gonna do but it is kind of respecting myself. pity for my bent, hurts and crooked heart. as far as i'm concerned, i'm not that kind of strong enough. i'm crying inside, whenever i'm alone, tears easily flows down from my eyes. the hurt hurts.
in shaa Allah,
i may be free from any overly-attached to people. i hope so. pity me for being to loyal. but of course sorry for those who can't appreciate everything

Monday, 15 December 2014
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
immersed in my own thoughts
Hey it's me
Totally pathetic me
I'm helpless, to re-build myself
Where someone seems to hate me
The one who i really care about.
Enough with words, when the talks is helpless
Bye for my hardest goodbye, it is the time to really let u go.
Totally pathetic me
I'm helpless, to re-build myself
Where someone seems to hate me
The one who i really care about.
Enough with words, when the talks is helpless
Bye for my hardest goodbye, it is the time to really let u go.
Sunday, 30 November 2014
topsy turvy
tora datang lagi
lately, serabut sangat dengan workloads, personal problems n urusan konvokesyen bagai
seriously, tak cukup ruang waktu nak fikir semua benda dalam 1 masa
how i wish untuk tak membesar and terus duduk dalam alam student je
luah kat sini bukan untuk merungut, jauh sekali nak mengeluh dengan nasib
tapi paham tak situasi sekarang whereas i can't keep it up for myself yang mana i'm dying inside?
so people might said la kan yang aku ni mengelabah tak tentu hala but come on, i can't bear when the situation getting worst. out of my control.
i'm just 20, baru kenal dunia luar, guide me instead.
i'm crying not because i'm weak
i'm just letting some of it go from keep wandering in my mind,
it's just because i'm hold it for too long, alone.
please lah, don't be such a typical malay yang judgmental tu tak lari dari "eleh, sikit2 nak nangis" "eleh, tu pun tak mampu nak buat"
setiap orang, tak sama ujian yang dey all tanggung even idioms might said otherwise,
still our problems tu different from anyone else so stop judging, u don't know what others get through everyday.
it is considerable lah kalau nak nasihat
even nasihat sekalipun biar kena cara.
i'm sorry for my harsh writing, i'm sick of people who didn't astray from that typical thinking & judgmental.
by the way, we can change, it is up on us
helpless me,
lately, serabut sangat dengan workloads, personal problems n urusan konvokesyen bagai
seriously, tak cukup ruang waktu nak fikir semua benda dalam 1 masa
how i wish untuk tak membesar and terus duduk dalam alam student je
luah kat sini bukan untuk merungut, jauh sekali nak mengeluh dengan nasib
tapi paham tak situasi sekarang whereas i can't keep it up for myself yang mana i'm dying inside?
so people might said la kan yang aku ni mengelabah tak tentu hala but come on, i can't bear when the situation getting worst. out of my control.
i'm just 20, baru kenal dunia luar, guide me instead.
i'm crying not because i'm weak
i'm just letting some of it go from keep wandering in my mind,
it's just because i'm hold it for too long, alone.
please lah, don't be such a typical malay yang judgmental tu tak lari dari "eleh, sikit2 nak nangis" "eleh, tu pun tak mampu nak buat"
setiap orang, tak sama ujian yang dey all tanggung even idioms might said otherwise,
still our problems tu different from anyone else so stop judging, u don't know what others get through everyday.
it is considerable lah kalau nak nasihat
even nasihat sekalipun biar kena cara.
i'm sorry for my harsh writing, i'm sick of people who didn't astray from that typical thinking & judgmental.
by the way, we can change, it is up on us
helpless me,
"Innallaha ma'ana"
Thursday, 24 July 2014
iftar and sahur with kesayangan
Assalamualaikum and olla peeps !
*this is my last semester for my diploma program, hence all the moments we going through deemed as our very last moments* sobs sobs
Alhamdulillah, rasa sedih sebab tak dapat berbuka dengan famili dineutralisasi oleh bebudak ni. seriously, i bersyukur gila ada they all ni, at least hidup gua ni terisi dengan laughter and joy. thanks korang ! korang memang the best food hunter la.
mostly Ramadan ni, we all berbuka kat rumah je. beli kat bazar then duduk bersila ramai2 dalam bulatan kat ruang tamu. housemates (my classmates/gang actually) ada 7 orang, so memang agak 'gamat' jugak la suasana tu + semuanya ada sense of humour yang tinggi (i sokmo kena bash dengan they all). sambil makan tu mesti ada lawak2 spontaneous out of sense yang keluar , mandatory. hokeh hokeh, boleh kira la berapa kali we all keluar iftar and sahur dengan bebudak rumah cuah (4 of them).
first time: we all iftar kat tappers, kedai makanan western yang affordable. i order chicken schnitzel, air peach and air lemon pebble/bubble/mubble (tah aku tak ingat). total for what i'd ordered almost RM30. nyesal gua tak sudah! tapi superb la serving cafe' tu. memang berbaloi. cafe' tu depan sungai, menarik view kat situ , then depan tu ada macam lampu2 kat i-city shah alam, klon maybe. so mostly orang panggil ICT (ikan celup tepung) ganu. hmmm, alang2 dah bercerita, dikesempatan ni i nak minta maaf kat Ain as we all prank dia dengan sorok handphone. bergelepor jugak dia masa tu. ni semua idea Oni la, tetibe je dia keluar dari cafe' dengan handphone Ain. at last i yang ter'kantoi'kan. by the way, masa ni ika, mctul, ain qibah and isya ikut sekali. masa dalam cafe tu, meja we all yang paling panjang as we all 17 orang kesemuanya. pening2 dah orang2 Tappers tu tambah2 meja.
second time: tah macam mana dapat idea gila nak keluar sahur pukul 3 pagi buta. so we all keluar round2 area gong badak, seberang takir, tok jembal, teluk ketapang (airport) and tah jalan mana cari kedai2 tepi jalan yang bukak. pergi dengan 2 kereta, i of course naik kereta kancil merah jiah dengan Oni, kereta Arina dah tak muat. rasa macam budak nakal sangat wooo as besenya just bebudak laki Unisza je keluar memalam lepak kat warung untuk tengok bola. pastu pulak we all ni semuanya duduk rumah sewa so not restricted sangat la. whatsoever, we all bukan liar yang jenis suka keluar memalam yang takde pekdah tu, we all just seek for food and for sure for our enjoyment too, besides we all keluar dengan semuanya perempuan, kiranya Girls Day Out la ni. lepas puas dag round2, we all decided nak makan kat warung. so makan memakan lah kami. i order makanan peberet gua *Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin + Sup* dengan air milo + sup. kihkih, i tersilap sebut *as usually*, pe lagi, semuanya bash gua kaw-kaw. i didn't take it as offensive pun, sebabnya i know they all tak berniat pun, semuanya atas tiket gurauan. thus, benda tu merapatkan lagi persahabatan we all even though gurauan we all tu kasar. back to story, we all balik masa tu almost 4.30am. so sampai rumah memang dah tak tidur, takut2 tak bangun untuk solat subuh.
third: we all takdelah keluar pun, just berbuka kat rumah Cuah. we all kumpul duit about RM8.00/person. so geng2 rumah Cuah (Jiah, Fira, Bee) yang in-charge masak2. Fira decided nak masak rendang and sayur goreng. yang geng rumah we all ni in-charge buat air so we buat air koktel. isi dalam air tu banyak gila, tak terhabis pun. after iftar, we all solat berjemaah and then main mercun! eheks. best gila kot. we all beli mercun about RM12, of course, i support for that. memang solely duit i and RM2 added by Sarah. *marah la ibu i if dia tahu ni*. mercun tu supplied by orang kampung area rumah Cuah, akak tu sengih je we all beli banyak tu, pulak tu, semua ahli rumah dia + mak nenek dia turun tengok we all 'borong' mercun tu. masa tu tak pikir apa dah, tahu nak berseronok-ronak je.
forth: iftar kat Secret Recipe as for hari last sebelum we all balik kampung memasing untuk cuti raya. i order chicken crispy, at first nak order spaghetti or japanese soba, tapi sebab Arina order chicken crispy, i terliur pulak nak makan benda tu. then i order kek chocolate indulgence, ingatkan nak order ice blended butterscotch but akak SR tu cakap dapat air free, so batal niat tu. ingatkan air best, rupanya air sirap yang appearance nya sangatlah memikat hati. whatsoever, syukur Alhamdulillah untuk rezeki hari tu. pheeeeww. i makan tak habis so that terpaksalah muni, arina and sarah yang men'yettle'kan baki makanan i. adoiii , so sorry, gua ni memang jenis gini. kalau makan tak habis sokmo. gua tak reti. sokay i'll try to change that habit.
last but not least, tu jelah kot we all iftar kat luar. whatsoever, memori tu yang penting. makan apa2 pun tak kisah asalkan ada yang tersayang. i wanna thanks for them.
keh, enjoy the pic. till meet then.
little me.
*this is my last semester for my diploma program, hence all the moments we going through deemed as our very last moments* sobs sobs
Alhamdulillah, rasa sedih sebab tak dapat berbuka dengan famili dineutralisasi oleh bebudak ni. seriously, i bersyukur gila ada they all ni, at least hidup gua ni terisi dengan laughter and joy. thanks korang ! korang memang the best food hunter la.
mostly Ramadan ni, we all berbuka kat rumah je. beli kat bazar then duduk bersila ramai2 dalam bulatan kat ruang tamu. housemates (my classmates/gang actually) ada 7 orang, so memang agak 'gamat' jugak la suasana tu + semuanya ada sense of humour yang tinggi (i sokmo kena bash dengan they all). sambil makan tu mesti ada lawak2 spontaneous out of sense yang keluar , mandatory. hokeh hokeh, boleh kira la berapa kali we all keluar iftar and sahur dengan bebudak rumah cuah (4 of them).
first time: we all iftar kat tappers, kedai makanan western yang affordable. i order chicken schnitzel, air peach and air lemon pebble/bubble/mubble (tah aku tak ingat). total for what i'd ordered almost RM30. nyesal gua tak sudah! tapi superb la serving cafe' tu. memang berbaloi. cafe' tu depan sungai, menarik view kat situ , then depan tu ada macam lampu2 kat i-city shah alam, klon maybe. so mostly orang panggil ICT (ikan celup tepung) ganu. hmmm, alang2 dah bercerita, dikesempatan ni i nak minta maaf kat Ain as we all prank dia dengan sorok handphone. bergelepor jugak dia masa tu. ni semua idea Oni la, tetibe je dia keluar dari cafe' dengan handphone Ain. at last i yang ter'kantoi'kan. by the way, masa ni ika, mctul, ain qibah and isya ikut sekali. masa dalam cafe tu, meja we all yang paling panjang as we all 17 orang kesemuanya. pening2 dah orang2 Tappers tu tambah2 meja.
second time: tah macam mana dapat idea gila nak keluar sahur pukul 3 pagi buta. so we all keluar round2 area gong badak, seberang takir, tok jembal, teluk ketapang (airport) and tah jalan mana cari kedai2 tepi jalan yang bukak. pergi dengan 2 kereta, i of course naik kereta kancil merah jiah dengan Oni, kereta Arina dah tak muat. rasa macam budak nakal sangat wooo as besenya just bebudak laki Unisza je keluar memalam lepak kat warung untuk tengok bola. pastu pulak we all ni semuanya duduk rumah sewa so not restricted sangat la. whatsoever, we all bukan liar yang jenis suka keluar memalam yang takde pekdah tu, we all just seek for food and for sure for our enjoyment too, besides we all keluar dengan semuanya perempuan, kiranya Girls Day Out la ni. lepas puas dag round2, we all decided nak makan kat warung. so makan memakan lah kami. i order makanan peberet gua *Nasi Goreng Ikan Masin + Sup* dengan air milo + sup. kihkih, i tersilap sebut *as usually*, pe lagi, semuanya bash gua kaw-kaw. i didn't take it as offensive pun, sebabnya i know they all tak berniat pun, semuanya atas tiket gurauan. thus, benda tu merapatkan lagi persahabatan we all even though gurauan we all tu kasar. back to story, we all balik masa tu almost 4.30am. so sampai rumah memang dah tak tidur, takut2 tak bangun untuk solat subuh.
third: we all takdelah keluar pun, just berbuka kat rumah Cuah. we all kumpul duit about RM8.00/person. so geng2 rumah Cuah (Jiah, Fira, Bee) yang in-charge masak2. Fira decided nak masak rendang and sayur goreng. yang geng rumah we all ni in-charge buat air so we buat air koktel. isi dalam air tu banyak gila, tak terhabis pun. after iftar, we all solat berjemaah and then main mercun! eheks. best gila kot. we all beli mercun about RM12, of course, i support for that. memang solely duit i and RM2 added by Sarah. *marah la ibu i if dia tahu ni*. mercun tu supplied by orang kampung area rumah Cuah, akak tu sengih je we all beli banyak tu, pulak tu, semua ahli rumah dia + mak nenek dia turun tengok we all 'borong' mercun tu. masa tu tak pikir apa dah, tahu nak berseronok-ronak je.
forth: iftar kat Secret Recipe as for hari last sebelum we all balik kampung memasing untuk cuti raya. i order chicken crispy, at first nak order spaghetti or japanese soba, tapi sebab Arina order chicken crispy, i terliur pulak nak makan benda tu. then i order kek chocolate indulgence, ingatkan nak order ice blended butterscotch but akak SR tu cakap dapat air free, so batal niat tu. ingatkan air best, rupanya air sirap yang appearance nya sangatlah memikat hati. whatsoever, syukur Alhamdulillah untuk rezeki hari tu. pheeeeww. i makan tak habis so that terpaksalah muni, arina and sarah yang men'yettle'kan baki makanan i. adoiii , so sorry, gua ni memang jenis gini. kalau makan tak habis sokmo. gua tak reti. sokay i'll try to change that habit.
last but not least, tu jelah kot we all iftar kat luar. whatsoever, memori tu yang penting. makan apa2 pun tak kisah asalkan ada yang tersayang. i wanna thanks for them.
keh, enjoy the pic. till meet then.
little me.
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